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Ship 5111 

We are a not-for-profit 501c3 organization with the mission to introduce Chicagoland area youth to the art of sailing and safe boating skills. Our mantra at Ship 5111 is 'Leadership through Seamanship', and are not a sailing instruction program. Rather, we focuson youth (ages 14-21) who are interested in leading on and offer the water, safely learn seamanship skills and offer service to the community.  During our June 11th Monroe Harbor Day Challenge event, we coordinated and met other Sea Scouts in the area, and look forward to growing our relationships with other Ships and youth organizations interested in working together safely on the water. 



The best part of Sea Scouts is cruising and mastering the skills you learn with your shipmates. On board a vessel you share hands-on experiences as helmsman and navigator, lookout and cook, sail handler and engineer. You and your shipmates will plan and conduct your annual cruise – summer camp underway. Imagine sailing the Caribbean, cruising to Alaska, fishing, swimming, diving, snorkeling or anything else your ship wants to do!


Sea Scouts is youth led and adult mentored. You and your shipmates lead your Sea Scout program. Elected youth leaders plan and conduct the program and adult leaders guide and support your efforts as you learn important leadership and life skills. As you gain experience you will have the opportunity to contribute as a leader in your ship. Sea Scouts are recognized and rewarded for the things they learn and do. You can earn valuable certifications in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR, as well as advance in rank from Apprentice to Quartermaster. Each certification and level of advancement marks your growth as a sailor and a leader.


Sea Scouts provides opportunities to share experiences with other young people who share your interests. As your ship participates in fun and exciting activities like sailing regattas, rowing races, and rendezvous, you’ll learn and grow with your shipmates. You’ll even have the opportunity to meet Sea Scouts from other parts of your community, the nation, and even the world!


Sea Scouts take service very seriously. Sea Scouts perform various kinds of service from service to their ship, to community service. They participate service such as river or beach clean-up efforts, food drives, and youth programs. Sea Scouts also participate in flag ceremonies, and serve as honor guards at various community events.


SHIP 5111

Sea Scout Ship 'Challenge' 5111, chartered by Columbia Yacht Club, was formed in 2002, coinciding with the first year of the William I. Koch International Sea Scout Regatta also hosted by Columbia Yacht Club. Ship 5111, Inc. is now a 501.c.3 non-for-profit organization. We hold regular fundraisers and encourage donations to further programs for our young adults.

Sea Scouting is part of the Boy Scouts of America with an emphasis on water-based activities. It is a coed program for young adults 13 - 20 years old.

Unique to our program is the 'Abegweit' or 'Abby' (as she is also known), a 372' former icebreaker and Clubship of the Columbia Yacht Club. The 'Abegweit' serves as our home base. Our Summer sailing schedule includes - Monday night sail training, Wednesday night 'Beer Can Series' racing and select regattas and long cruises.

During the off season, the Ship meets on a twice monthly basis for training, advancement and other group activities.


MV Abegweit

Home of the Columbia Yacht Club


Jennifer Angone

SkipperRank Advancement, Skills Training

Robert Angone

Ship Committee Chairman 

Brian Koloms



Tim Harrington 


Sea Scouts Ship 5111 an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation, incorporated on July 22, 2016.

– The Foundation is exempted from Federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501 (c)(iii) of the Code.

– The Foundation is a “private foundation” within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code.

– Donors may deduct contributions to the Foundation as provided in Section 507.

– The Foundations EID No. 80-3222935.

The Registration Statement required of a charitable organization under the Illinois Charitable Trust Act and the Illinois Solicitation for Charitable Purposes Act is filed with the Illinois Attorney General.

Contact Us
Connect with us

Columbia Yacht Club
C/O Sea Scout Ship 5111
111 N Lake Shore Dr
Chicago, IL 60601


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© 2024 Sea Scouts Ship 5111 Challenge

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